first i would suggest that if you’re looking for cookbooks and books on pregnancy – check thrift stores – I found this book at the goodwill – I didn’t realize it was so old (2001)

when i went to google it  – it was only on amazon (how adorable)

This book is all about how stress and nutrition in the womb creates a propensity towards disease later in life – poor nutrition sets the body up for weight gain and diabetes, and stress creates an overly sensitive negative cortisol feedback loop. well great.

it has a really strong message to moms to assert themselves as strong, capable, and in need of some extreme self-caring! pregnant moms have a full time job of managing the pregnancy: nutrition, exercise, yoga, meditation & kind loving words from partners & friends & family. if you have an actual full-time job, you will need to manage the stress and nutritional hurdles and get yourself on the road to wellness. my suggestion is to talk to your boss -see if you can arrange your schedule to fit in a visit to the gym or a yoga class or a massage every day – make sure you take your lunch breaks and get fresh air and a well-balanced fresh meal. Ask for help from coworkers or friends to help keep you on track by sharing healthy meals, activities and conversation.

i’m only half-way through and i wish the author was a little less meaty but i think it’s a really important message about taking care of #1

portland ladies!

blue sky wellness studio has this upcoming event:

Women’s Wisdom: Self-Healing for Health, Happiness, and Fertility
Saturday, June 6th 1:30 – 8 PM, $95, includes lunch
with Nicole Sanson-Frey, doula and yoga instructor,Bridgit Danner, Licensed Acupuncturist, Corrine Porterfield- Brown, Licensed Arvigo Abdominal Massage practitioner, and Janine Francolini, Life Coach
This is an interactive healing session in 4 parts:
Yoga, An Energetic Healing with Herbs,  Coaching, and a Group Acupuncture Session.  A powerful afternoon!  Be ready to go deep and release blocks to your own health and happiness.

moms – it’s so vital to get regular exercise!

not only do you reap the benefits of physical and mental health, good moods, better digestion, sexy legs(!) but your wee baby is also working out!

Kansas City University researchers monitored pregnant moms ages 20 to 35; one group committed to exercising moderately for at least 30 minutes three times per week, the control group didn’t get regular exercise.

The research found that “foetal [oh those british!] breathing movement and the nervous system were more mature in babies exposed to exercise.” Measurements in utero showed that babies that got exercise had higher measures of vagal (cardiovascular) control during breathing movements. This indicates stronger, more vital babies, ready to take their first breath of air!

you know it’s so good for you, and you know you should be doing something right now like yoga or walking or a prenatal workout dvd… so do it! i know how hard it is to peel yourself away from your daily routine – so make exercise part of it! do it first thing in the morning. find something you love to do and treat it like your personal vacation time. walk around the neighborhood with a podcast you’ve been meaning to listen to, or do some organic gardening -crouching and reaching count- and get ready to harvest your own meals soon. set a goal – like walking a half-marathon and stick to it.

heavy breathing!

new foods and a vacation

March 16, 2009

so this precious article from indiana made me excited – i’ll let her say it – “offers a week-by-week tracker of the baby size, which is described each week by a different fruit or vegetable. This week the baby is a sweet potato — or at least the general size of one– so the root vegetable has now earned a special place in my heart. It’s been pretty amazing reading about the baby’s growth during these first four months. Since I’ve never done this before, and I can’t see all of the changes from the outside yet, I’ve enjoyed the insight on what’s going on in there.According to the site, my baby has grown from the size of a poppy seed during the first few weeks, to a blueberry in month two, to a lime in month three and an onion just last week.”

i liked that she referred to her baby as the corresponding fruit or vegetable – i would challenge her to take one step further and really use that as inspiration to incorporate those foods into her diet – and by her, i mean you too.  take a look at that page of juicy fruits and veggies! use that guide to help remind you to explore new things while you’re preggers –  try all the fruits -find them frozen if you can’t get them fresh. take up a new exercise – bellydancing would be so fun! here in portland you can go to a class at zenana spa – or try karate (without a partner) or swimming. or clearly, you should email me and come to a prenatal yoga class.

and while you’re at it – being adventurous and all and becoming more spontaneous – go on vacation with your partner. if it’s your first pregnancy  then spend this last bit of time you two have without baby. go do something that makes you happy and helps establish healthy routines  – go take a hike or a walk in a new neighborhood – bake some brain foods – walnuts and flax seeds – and eat some fruits and veggies.


working while pregnant

February 26, 2009

i’ve been anxious to post this journal article from Women’s Health Issues about moms working through their pregnancies.

the researcher followed about 450 expectant moms working full-time in california, where women are eligible for paid benefits up to 4 weeks before delivery. moms who worked right up until delivery were three times more likely to have a c-section than women who took that 4-weeks off!

moms – consider your stress levels. talk to your boss about working from home, extending deadlines or asking for help!

if you are working during your pregnancy, consider some of these stress-busters:

* ask for a little-bit-longer lunch hour and use the time to go to the gym, take a yoga class or a long walk

* talk, talk, talk! find another pregnant mom and agree to support each-other with all your pregnancy gripes. commit to call each other every week and give each other your undivided attention.

* learn how to knit (or crochet or latch-hook or embroider) you could totally use a non-toxic hobby right about now. quilt yourself a receiving blanket with old tee-shirts or sweaters.

* write it down! liberate your brain from your tangled obsessions over vaccinations, middle names and stretch marks… write down your worries, your to-do list and your positive affirmations, then revisit your list of stressers after a long bath when you have a clear head. take time to celebrate your little victories – pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

* clean and cook! de-clutter and beautify and then bake some cookies